The science behind hair colour is one of the most difficult aspects of beauty. If you want to get the perfect at-home hair colour, make sure to follow our colouring instructions. Find a colour for your particular hair. Everyone has a unique perception of colour. Even if you and your closest buddy utilize the same shade of hair dye, there is no guarantee that the ultimate effect will be the same for either of you. Because the colour develops somewhat differently for each individual, it is important to take into consideration the state of the hair, the initial colour, and the amount of processing that has been done.
Make use of the colour grid as a reference point. If you want to forecast how your colour will turn out, you shouldn’t use the model that’s featured on the front of the colour pack. You can see how the colour you start affects the outcome by looking at the initialcolour/resulting colour grid that is located on the back of the card. If you want more information on this topic, do check out the hair diaries

Your skin colour matters. Choose a shade that works well with your complexion.For example, if you have a fair, rosy complexion with blue, green, or grey eyes, you should choose ash blonde and mahogany for your hair colour and steer clear of warm or golden hues.
When in doubt, opt for the lighter option. If you are unhappy with the result, it will be much simpler for you to adjust to a lighter hue. Because the majority of box colours end up being darker than you expect, you should select a hue that appears to be somewhat lighter than you would like the outcome to be unless you are very positive.
Begin with a solution that is not permanent. If you’re colouring on an impulse or just want to try something different, use a hue that won’t last forever. This kind of hair colour will be removed from the hair more quickly. Therefore, if you decide that you don’t like it, it will wash out faster. In addition, the results that you get are often nearer to your natural colour, which prevents you from making an alteration that is too extreme in your appearance.

Begin with relatively minor adjustments. Stick within one to three hues of your natural hue or your present colour and avoid going for a drastic alteration in your appearance. For example, if you have dark hair but you want to be platinum blonde, you should let the pros at your local hair salon help you with this transformation.
Always keep your greys in the forefront of your thoughts. It is important to keep in mind that the more grey hairs you possess, the paler your overall hue will seem. When picking a hue, exercise extreme caution. Beginning with a hue that is a few shades lighter than your original colour, gradually re-establish the hair’s natural warmth and intensity as you move through the process.